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Host Discovery Job


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Hi Guido,


It should send you an email with the discovery results - do you have an email address associated with your account, and are the Email Templates in the Admin area enabled?

Make sure your Passwordstate Windows Service is also started, and if you go to the Auditing area in the Admin section, you can query on 'Discovery Job Completed' to see if the job executed.

If there is some sort of error, then have a look in the Windows Application Event log on your web server to see if it's reported something at the time of your schedule.


Click Studios

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Hey, one other issue...


Myself and another user have been given permissions to a host discovery job. Note that I created the job under my user creds. I can edit the job; however, the other user doesn't have access to the host discovery job when they click in the HOSTS tab, and, consequently, is never emailed a report when the discovery job completes. Both user accounts have email addresses. What gives?

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