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Google 2FA Login - change fieldtype


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I've a small and easy to fix feature request :-).


Right now the field where you type in your 2FA-Code, is a password fieldtype.


- This causes browsers wanting to store those 2FA-Codes as passwords, which is annoying.

- Since they are one-time codes they don't need to be masked anyway. (no Bank does that)


Can you please change the field type to cleartext (or number)?


Thanks & Cheers


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Hi Tibor,


Thanks for your request, and yes we can see how this could be annoying.


From a security perspective though, we're wondering if our customers would appreciate this change? We know the code is only valid for 30 or 60 seconds, but would be interested if any of our other customers on the forum here would have concerns with doing this?


Click Studios


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  • 2 months later...
On 8/20/2018 at 11:03 AM, Tibor said:

Thanks for your fast answer. Yes lets see what others say.  (or maybe make it an option in the admin settings? )



We are experiencing this 'issue' also. And a setting for this to choose would be great. 



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