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Adding Hosts into Folder not working


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I'm having trouble setting this feature.

If I create a new folder, enable Adding Hosts into Folder, set the filters - Operating System: Win 10, Win 7 and click Save, existing hosts are added to that folders.

If I try to change any filter on an existing folder, nothing will happen. I will see the same hosts as before the change.

Host discovery jobs will also not affect hosts in folder. For example I added a new host in AD, host is discovered with host discovery job but folder will not add it automatically.

Deleting and creating a new folder will add the new host.


I'm using version V8.4 (Build 8411).


Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?








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Hello Igor,


Yes, changing the Filter on the folder will not update the Host records listed beneath it. The Filter is used only when the folder is created, and when new host records are added into Passwordstate. The Host Discovery Job should add any matching records into the folder, so we'll do some testing here to confirm if this is not working.


Click Studios

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I've just done some testing on this, and there may be a small bug here.


On your folder, can you try selecting the 'Host Type' of Windows, as well as the Operating System. When I did this the hosts were added from the Discovery Job. But if I left it set to 'All Host Types', the Hosts were not added into the folder.


You also need to refresh your screen after the host discovery job has run, to refresh the tree. We'll also look into why this is not working when 'All Host Types' are selected.


Click Studios

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Hi Igor,


I've just fixed this for the next release - it didn't effect adding in Host records manually, but only via the Host Discovery Job itself.

We will update the post again once the next release is available, and sorry about the inconvenience in the short-term.


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I just tried setting the folder's filters to Host type: Windows, Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows 7.

After that I started the discovery job and nothing happened.


Then I deleted all hosts from "View All Host Records" and started the job again.

Finally the hosts appeared under folder Windows Clients.


After that I tried adding a new host in AD and running the discovery job again. New host was successfully added in my folder :)


So it looks like it's working only on discovering new hosts (and on folder creation).

It would be logical that it would also add hosts listed under All Host Records that doesn't exist in the folder itself.

It would also be logical that changing the filters on an existing folder should update it's content.




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Thanks Igor - at this stage we have no plans to change the membership of the folders if you change the Filter, but we'll look into it if there is enough interest from customers.


Also, if it helps, you can bulk delete and add Hosts to a Folder, by right clicking the Folder, and selecting the appropriate menus - this is normally what we do when testing and developing.


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Thank you very much. I configured most of the setting and features we need and it's performing quite nicely so far :)

There are a few things that I need to configure like service accounts discovery and reset.

The only option I would like to see in one of the next releases would be the support for intel amt for host remote session launcher .


All our client pcs have intel amt (vpro) enabled and configured. We're using vnc viewer with connection mode "Intel AMT KVM" and encrpytion TLS to connect to a pc. AD credentials are used.

It would be really nice to launch that connection directly from the passwordstate :)


Best Regards,


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Hi Igor,


I'm not sure if any other the third party solutions we are using for both of our Remote Session Launchers would support this, but we'll definitely look into if there is enough interest from our customers.


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There is another little but confusing thing.

When configuring Backups and Upgrades, if you enter backup username in format domain\username, it will not show under the Link To Password (even when user account is already prepared for password reset).

First username and password needs to be inserted and then you have to hit Save. When you back in the backup settings, then you're able to select Link To Password :)

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