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Remote Session Launcher on macOS


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Would love to have the ability to use remote session launcher on macOS, specifically with Teamviewer.  Our RMM tool, which is web based, can open a computer with just Teamviewer running on the Mac.  It would be great to be able to do this from Passwordstate and pass credentials to log on to the computer.

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Hi Jeff,


Thanks for your request, but unfortunately something like this would not be possible, unless we were to write a 3rd Remote Session Launcher feature for the Mac OS - which there really hasn't been any interest in, up until your request now.


We do have our browser based launcher which can be used from Macs, but this is only for RDP and SSH sessions.

Possibly another option is the integration we have with Remote Desktop Manager by Devolutions - we believe they have a Mac client that can be used.


Click Studios

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