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Graphs and Recent Activity

Guest Martin

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Hi there,

Just starting to deploy a POC passwordstate site, so far I like it! The only thing I can't get it to do, is to hide some on-screen sections.

So, I've created a new password list, and assigned it to a user, this user logs in and can see the list fine. However, on the main page of this new list, it shows both the "Recent Activity" and "Password Strength Summary/Most Active Users" sections - I don't really want my users to see either of these, is there a way to hide them for this password list?



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Hi Martin,


Users can hide this themselves by clicking on the Screen Options button at the top of the screen, or you can do this for all users, or select users, via the use of a User Account Policy.

You can find User Account Policies in the Administration area, and once you have applied the settings and permissions to the policy, as your users to log off, then back in to pick up the change.

We hope this helps.


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