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Removing an MSA Account from Passwordstate


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Below are the areas in which you'll need to look to remove an MSA account from your Passwordstate set up.  From time to time we've seen customers with corrupt accounts causing issues, so we recommend removing the corrupt account and adding in a new one.


  • Remove it from the Windows Service
  • Remove it from the Application Pools
  • Remove from the web.config file
  • Remove from the SQL Server Services
  • Ensure the Passwordstate folder and everything beneath it as Modify NTFS permissions for the NETWORK SERVICE Account



The Passwordstate service Logon tab will be greyed out if it is configured previously as an MSA account.  To "Un-Grey" it which will allow you to choose the local system account again, runt he following CMD command as administrator


sc managedaccount "Passwordstate Service" false




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