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IIS Host changed to FQDN causes selfdestruct error


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When I setup initially, the IIS site binding in the "Edit site binding" window I originally just had the host name.  I added our FQDN in order for our users to go to a FQDN path in the URL browser path (otherwise they could only use "https://machine_name" vs using "https://machine_name.domain.com".)


So I changed it in the binding, everything seemed to work just fine...until I went through the tutorial to import keepass files into PasswordState.  The part where it says to generate the API key then hit save.  When I hit save, it appears that the selfdestruct pathing wants to go to the non-FQDN pathing instead of what I changed it to.  I can not find anywhere in any of the configs to modify this value to not get this error.  Any suggestions to get adjust this?


Error I get in the Web app:



myservername.mydomain.com says:


There was an error communicating with the Self Destruct Message Site on the URL of 'https://myservername/selfdestruct/'. Please check the logs folder on the Self Destruct Site for more details. Error = The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.



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Hi tburke,


Can you try to change the URL under Administration -> System Settings -> Miscellaneous to the most recent URL you have in bindings?  After saving this, you should be able to save the API key.


Please let me know if this doesn't help, or if you have any issues with the import!




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That worked great, thank you!


I'm curious, before our company gets too far into using PasswordState, I wanted to run through a disaster recovery scenario.  What I was planning on doing was taking one of the SQL Server backups and re-spinning up a new IIS server and reattaching it.  Can we use a completely different named server in this case?  Or is the "Authorized Web Server" list the only server named boxes that will be able to reconnect to the database?  Just wanted to be clear on how that is baked into the system before I attempted using a different server name.

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Hi tburke,


If you had to move the Passwordstate install to a new server, and it wasn't already added into the Authorized Web Servers page, then you will be prompted for your Emergency Access password upon first visit to the new site.  Entering a correct emergency password will automatically add the new server to the Authorized servers.


Your emergency password can be found and reset under Administration -> Emergency Access, and if you forget this password, you can contact us on support@clickstudios.com.au any time and we can help you recover it.


Also, we have some instructions for disaster recovery under Help -> User Manual -> KB Articles.  Maybe take a copy of those and keep them outside of Passwordstate in case you ever need them:)


All the best and let me know if you need help with anything else!




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