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Updating causes "Upgrade In Progress" forever


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Sorry for all the questions lately.  I'm just trying to go through all of the scenarios on a test system before I try it on our new production passwordstate setup. 



Upgrading from v8.5 (8519) to newest (which at the moment is 8556) using the automatic upgrade option within Passwordstate.

Using the doc: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf



Auto update leaves my system in "Upgrade In Progress" when access the webpage with now way to get out of that state.



I tried to go back and do the manual step to see if I can move it along.  So simply shut the service down, shut IIS down entirely because of some locked out file.  Downloaded the latest upgrade, copied it into the passwordstate folder as described, started the windows service and IIS back up.  Still got the " Upgrade In Progress".




UpgradeLog.txt (from when doing it through the push button way on the website)



12/11/2018 12:58:09 PM - Passwordstate upgrade started.
12/11/2018 12:58:37 PM - Passwordstate upgrade started.
12/11/2018 12:59:38 PM - Passwordstate upgrade started.
12/11/2018 12:59:45 PM - Passwordstate upgrade started.
12/11/2018 1:00:05 PM - Passwordstate upgrade started.
12/11/2018 1:00:17 PM - Stopping of the Passwordstate Windows Service started.
12/11/2018 1:00:17 PM - Stopping of the Passwordstate Windows Service completed.
12/11/2018 1:00:17 PM - Compressing and backing up of web files started.
12/11/2018 1:00:26 PM - Compressing and backing up of web files completed.
12/11/2018 1:00:26 PM - Removing old backups started.
12/11/2018 1:00:26 PM - Removing old backups completed.
12/11/2018 1:00:26 PM - Downloading of file passwordstate_upgrade.zip started.
12/11/2018 1:01:22 PM - Downloading of file passwordstate_upgrade.zip completed.
12/11/2018 1:01:22 PM - Extracting of files in file passwordstate_upgrade.zip started.
12/11/2018 1:01:28 PM - Extracting of files in file passwordstate_upgrade.zip completed.
12/11/2018 1:01:28 PM - Copying of new files started.
12/11/2018 1:01:32 PM - Finished copying of new files.
12/11/2018 1:01:32 PM - Starting of the Passwordstate Windows Service started.
12/11/2018 1:01:32 PM - Starting of the Passwordstate Windows Service completed.
12/11/2018 1:01:32 PM - Finished starting the Passwordstate Windows Service.
12/11/2018 1:01:32 PM - Finished deleting the Passwordstate_Upgrade.zip file.
12/11/2018 1:01:33 PM - Finished deleting all temp files in the folder /upgrades/passwordstate.
12/11/2018 1:01:33 PM - Preparing for upgrade has completed successfully.



Other Info

So I did look away during the upgrade, and was auto logged out.  So I never had a chance to put it back into non-maintenance mode.  Maybe that's just the problem is that it still  thinks it's in maintenance mode but I can't log in to take it out of this mode.  The database is still at 8519 when I do the build query on it so I know there stuff not done there but probably because I can't get logged back into the web service.



USE Passwordstate
Select BuildNo from SystemSettings


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Hi tburke,


Can you let us know what you see on the screen at the moment? If you enabled maintenance mode before the upgrade started, then you need to log back in with the same account to finish the second phase of the upgrade, which is to upgrade the database?


So there are two stages to the upgrade:

  • Upgrade all the files
  • Upgrade the database


Click Studios

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But that is just it, I can't get a login prompt to get back in to complete the install.  I've tried just the base url https://mysite without the 'error....' part and just give me this below.  One thing I forgot to mention in this scenario, I"m doing the form based login and because I don't have an AD where I'm spinning up this test.  I tried redirecting the url to different login aspx files but I haven't hit one that works yet so maybe I'm not approaching this the right way.




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Do you have Anonymous Authentication disabled for the site in IIS - this is the only think I can think of where it would present this screen to you, as Passwordstate is detecting your accessing it using a different domain account?


You can clear this in the database if you like, by running the following command using SQL Management Studio:

USE Passwordstate

UPDATE SystemSettings SET MaintenanceModeUserID = ''


Click Studios

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Anonymous Authentication was disabled for the site.  Flipping it to "enabled" allowed me to log  in and the second stage of the update worked great.  For this "Forms" setup I was testing with (just isolated setup to test this sort of thing so I didn't have it connected to an AD), is part of that particular setup, do I need to manually flip this option in the IIS site settings?

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HI tburke,


Thanks for confirming, and Anonymous Authentication being enabled is the default for a new install, so you must have disabled it? If you enable Maintenance Mode under a certain account, you need to log back in with that account after the first phase of the upgrade is complete. So disabling Anonymous Authentication here has caused this issue for you, as you could not longer log back in with this 'Forms' account you're referring to.


Click Studios

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  • 1 month later...

Want to add, I've ran into the same problem.  Our login is AD + Google Authenticator so we normally have Anonymous authentication disabled.  I got the same message as detailed above.  I was logged in locally using the Security Administrator account and also, it logged me out when I stopped watching it for a moment.


Enabling AA did not work for me.  I had to run the SQL command, then I got to Upgrade Step 2, it completed and then logged me out.

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