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"Reset Portal Windows Credential Providers" domain name issue


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I believe I'm using the current version.


Passwordstate Build Number : 8556
Browser Extension API Build Number : 7676
Mobile Client Build Number : 8150
Password Reset Portal Build Number : 8501

Remote Site Locations Build Number : 8361



The problem we are seeing in the Reset Portal is only after the installation of the portal's windows cred provider is installed (Windows 10 Enterprise), we are seeing an issue where now every time the user goes to log in, instead of our domain, it now replaced our domain name with extra naming for example, "halox" now becomes "haloxnet" (the period is missing).  This causes all log in attempts to fail because there is no "haloxnet" domain.  Is this a setup issue on our side or is this a bug in the credential provider?


Silent Install
msiexec /i "passwordstate_CPx64.msi" /qn CP_TEXT="Reset Password/Unlock Account" CP_URL=https://passwordstateportal.halox.net /quiet /norestart


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Hello tburke,


To help troubleshoot this issue, can you tell us the following:

  • Did you run the msi as an Administrator i.e. open command prompt as Admin
  • And what URL did you specify for CP_URL - this should be the URL of the portal web site you've installed


Click Studios

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So our current setup is one server setup as the main passwordstate server, lets call it https://password.halox.net.  Then we have another machine setup for the reset portal called https://passwordreset.halox.net.  In the config ini we pulled this out of it so we are putting the reset portal like the following.


CP_TEXT=Password Reset/Unlock Account

So what we are seeing is as soon as the CP is placed on the client box, the prompt changes to show the reset link which we expect but instead of our domain name of say "halox" it's "haloxnet".  Where would it be getting this information from?  When CP get uninstalled it back to it's normal working domain name on the login prompt.


The version of Windows 10 we are using is 1709 Enterprise 64bit if that makes any difference.

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So, you're not using halox.net in your URLs at all - this is just an example?


Did you also run the installer as an Administrator?


We'll need to do some testing on multiple domains to see if we can replicate this, and we'll let you know what we find. That domain is a test environment here we have, but there should not no hard-coding of anything here, as other customers would have reported the same thing by now.



Click Studios

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21 minutes ago, support said:

So, you're not using halox.net in your URLs at all - this is just an example?


Just an example, our is different but same format.  I didn't want to expose our internal workings too much on this web forum.  It's more like "mypud.org".


28 minutes ago, support said:

Did you also run the installer as an Administrator?

My co-worker is ran it this way but hasn't verified.  Normally the way our IT department deploys software out through SCCM and it's usually done as the System user I believe.

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Hi tburke,


We have a new version of the installer for you to try, which will also be included in the next release. Can you download the following file, and use the syntax below for this install - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/WindowsCredentialProvider/PasswordstateCredentialProvider.zip


PasswordstateCredentialProvider.exe /s Text="Reset Password/Unlock Account" Url="https://resetportal.yourdomain.com"


This installer must be run as an Administrator, either from a command prompt, or software deployment solution. Can you let us know if this resolves it for you?


Click Studios

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Hi tburke,


We made a change the WCP a while ago, as another customer reported the same issue as you, and they said this new one fixed it for them - they were using a .local domain. Can you:

  • Try install on a different machine to see if that helps
  • Or uninstall the previous one, and ensure the files passwordstatecp_config.ini and PasswordstateCredentialProvider.dll are deleted from the c:\windows\system32 folder, then reinstall the new version again

Can you let us know if this helps.


Click Studios

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Same thing, i made sure that both Passwordstatecp_config.ini and Passwordstatecredentailprovider.dll were deleted prior to running the .exe you provided.


I ran command prompt as admin, and then ran the setup and still is missing the period. So it still looks like Haloxnet instead of Halox.net (Of course we are using our domain instead).


(Tburkes Coworker)

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Thanks for testing further for us. We really need to be able to reproduce an issue like this in order to fix it, but we've never seen it ourselves unfortunately. What build of Windows 10 are you testing with, and do you see the same thing with Windows 10 Professional - we haven't tested on Windows 10 Enterprise, but we doubt it would make any difference.


Click Studios

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same issue with windows 10 pro client.


After the installation of the provider I can't no more login using only the password, as the name is provided by the system. I must use the "Other User" option and insert domain\user and the password.


Tried everything said in this post.

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Hello f.roncarari,


Sorry you're having some issues, and we're not exactly clear what the issue is you're having. To not disclose domain information in the forums, can you log a support call via our support page https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx and provide a screenshot to help us understand what the problem is?

Thanks very much.


Click Studios

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  • 1 month later...

Same issue here as well.  In our case, we are deploying it via OSD Task Sequence and after its installed, it changes the domain name on the W10 login screen to use the FQDN rather than the netbios name, but seems to drop all the separators.  So instead of


  • my.domain.com


I get


  • mydomaincom


Ticket logged with support about it.  I checked my DNS suffixes, the setup in the reset portal, searched the registry on the client, no luck.  If I then uninstall the provider, my domain details return to normal.  I think there is something in the provider logic switching it to using the FQDN, but maybe separators are missing somewhere (dunno, not a code monkey ! :)).


Would love to deploy this, so happy to do remote sessions to try and figure it out.

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Hey everyone,


Just responding back here with what we emailed GrouchyAdmin to try this morning, and good to see this looks like it's fixed the issue for cougmanjvh. 


Hi GrouchyAdmin,


Given you are on an older release, you could possibly be using a slightly older version of the Credential Provider.  Can you try uninstalling the existing credential provider from Add/Remove programs, and then ensure these two files do not exist on that machine:




And finally reinstall the provider from here, which is the latest version: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/WindowsCredentialProvider/PasswordstateCredentialProvider.zip


Hope this helps, and please let us know how you go:)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Its Fixed !!!!


I got the access to a new release as part of a trouble ticket and my NETBIOS / FQDN problems are gone.  Hopefully support release it quickly.


Happy days, one less reason for our staff to call the helpdesk :)


Thanks Mark and Lee for your support.

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