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Error in application Log.

Guest Joakim

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Source: Passwordstate Service


An error has occurred calling the method MoveSelfDestrucAuditingData(). Error = One or more errors occurred.


What to do?


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Hello Joakim,


Can you check three things for us:

  • On the screen Administration -> System Settings -> Miscellaneous tab, is your Base URL field here correct for your Passwordstate URL? 
  • On this System Settings screen, if you click the 'Save' button, can you report the actual error it comes back with
  • And in IIS, if you look at the Passwordstate web site (expand the site in the tree), is the 'SelfDestruct' folder configured as an 'Application' in IIS - this should have a different icon from most other folders?


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Base URL is https://passwordstate

we use  https://passwordstate."domain".com and https://"servername"."domain".com

we have a ssl-cert with San-names. (dnsnames above)


error message

there is an error communicating with the self destruct message site on the URL of https://passwordstate.selfdestruct/. please check the logs folder on the self destruct site for more details. Error = the request was aborted could not create ssl/tls secure channel.


yes. selft destruct are an " IIS application"



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