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Error in application Log.

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Source: Passwordstate Service


An error has occurred calling the method MoveSelfDestrucAuditingData(). Error = One or more errors occurred.


What to do?



Hello Joakim,


Can you check three things for us:

  • On the screen Administration -> System Settings -> Miscellaneous tab, is your Base URL field here correct for your Passwordstate URL? 
  • On this System Settings screen, if you click the 'Save' button, can you report the actual error it comes back with
  • And in IIS, if you look at the Passwordstate web site (expand the site in the tree), is the 'SelfDestruct' folder configured as an 'Application' in IIS - this should have a different icon from most other folders?


Click Studios




Base URL is https://passwordstate

we use  https://passwordstate."domain".com and https://"servername"."domain".com

we have a ssl-cert with San-names. (dnsnames above)


error message

there is an error communicating with the self destruct message site on the URL of https://passwordstate.selfdestruct/. please check the logs folder on the self destruct site for more details. Error = the request was aborted could not create ssl/tls secure channel.


yes. selft destruct are an " IIS application"




Okay, thanks for confirming.


Can you change the Base URL so it, is correct, and save that change. Then restart the Passwordstate Windows Service.


Thanks very much.


Click Studios

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