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Google Authenticator says Login failed - Google Verification Code is incorrect.


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I am having issues using the Google Authenticator. I downloaded the google authenticator app and scanned the qr code. The passwordstate timer shows up in the google authenticator app. When I go to login with the user that I assinged 2FA to, the google authenticator says Login failed - Google Verification Code is incorrect.


If I try again, it says I cannot use the same code again. I have to wait for the code to change on the app. Once it changes, it still does not work. In the user accounts in passwordstate, I originally selected "Manual AD and Google authenticator" for one user but I got an error saying the code was wrong. I then tried using the "Using the System Wide Authentication Settings" option but I still have the same issue.


I was originally on Passwordstate 8.6 - Build 8600 (4th February 2019) and have since upgraded to Passwordstate 8.6 - Build 8627 (26th February 2019) but I still get the same error. I have tried turning on/off and reinstalling the google authenticator many times but I cannot get it to work. On the passwordstate website, it says to choose google Authenticator on the drop down list but that is greyed out. I can only choose "Manual AD and Google authenticator". Any ideas?



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The only time we have seen issues like this is when the time on customer's phone is more than one minute out compared to your Passwordstate web server - can you check this.


Also, on the Preferences screen, did you click the Save button after generating the QR Code and scanning it - sorry to ask such a question, but we have had a few customers forget to do this in the past.


Click Studios

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You were right about the time. The network was 1min 40secs faster than both phones I was testing with. I plan on correcting the time on the Domain. For now I manually set the time on the PasswordState server and that resolved the issue google authenticator verification code issue. I was curious if there was a way to setup a certain amount of time to account for any drift in time?



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