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Understanding MSSQL Discovery

David Jenkins

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Can someone explain how SQL discovery is supposed to work?  Is it supposed to use an SQL account or a Windows Account?  Is it discovering SQL accounts?

I keep trying to get MSSQL discovery to work.  I get an email saying nothing discovered but logs show nothing at all.  Like it hasn't even tried.

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Hi David,


At this stage this discovery job only supports using a SQL Account as the Privileged Account Credential, but as per this post https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/2605-mssql-account-discovery-with-ad-user/ we will also be looking to extend this to Active Directory accounts shortly also.

if you are using a SQL Account here, can you confirm if your Host records under the Hosts tab have been marked as an MS SQL Server as the Database Type?


Click Studios


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I guess I missed that setting in the manual.  Perhaps I dozed off.  I modified the setting and the sql accounts were detected.


I'm getting to administrate after someone else setup the server so I'm having to determine what has\has not happened.


Do SQL instance normally get detected when using System Discovery?  Is there a way to autodetect sql?  If it's in the manuals I'd love a page\section number to look at. 

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Hi David,


For instance names, you need to specify this also on your Host record - the field is called 'Database Instance'. As long as you have your instance name here, SQL Accounts can be discovered on those databases as well. So we do not have a way to auto-detect instance names - they do need to be explicitly specified on the Host record.


Click Studios

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