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Scheduled backups not running


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We have a new deployment of Passwordstate and have yet to get the scheduled backups to run.  Seemingly there aren't any errors that show it attempted to run and failed.  Below is a screenshot of our setup:



When we run it manually, it completes without issue:



Am missing something with the setup?  Is there somewhere I can check to locate any errors which would indicate why the backup isn't running?  





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Hi Kurt,


Can you check if the Passwordstate Windows Service is started - as this service executes the schedule?

if it is, can you check the PassiveNode key in the web.config file (Located in the root of your Passwordstate folder), is set to "False" - if set to anything else, the Windows Service will not perform standard processing. And if this is set correctly, can you look in the Windows Application Event Log to see if there are any errors being reported by the Windows Service?

Thanks very much.


Click Studios

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Yes, at least one of your servers should always be set to 'False', otherwise the Passwordstate Windows Service will not perform any processing.


Can you please change this, then restart your Passwordstate Windows Service, and this will fix it for you.


Click Studios

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This fixed my issue. After changing the PassiveNode key in the web.config file from 'Active' to 'False' on my primary server and restarting the Passwordstate service, the schedule backup completed successfully overnight.  


Thank you!



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