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Client Based Launcher launches multiple sessions


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I am having a strange issue with my client based launcher. When I click on the Auto Launch button, it is automatically launching 4 RDP sessions for the same server. This is happening with Firefox and Chrome browsers. As far as I know, its only happening on my computer.  I am running Windows 10, the Webserver is running Windows 2016.   This behavior occurs across all Hosts I have tried to RDP to within my passwordstate environment.  




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Hi Kurt,


We've seen this a couple of time before if customers have tried to install the launcher more than once - because a configuration file is changed during the install, the uninstaller does not remove it unfortunately.


Can you uninstall the launcher, manually delete the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Passwordstate Remote Session Launcher, and then re-install the launcher again.

This should fix it for you, but please let us know if it does not.


Click Studios

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