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TLS 1.2 is not enabled

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I have build 8679. Server is W2012R2. Server is domain controller. On IIS is only passwordstate web. Passwordstate working OK but in event viewer I have message "It appears TLS 1.2 is not enabled on your web server, which is possible on older Operating Systems. Pleas download the IIS Crypto tool, and enable TLS 1.2 on your web server." and "An error has occurred calling the method DeleteOldSelfDestructMessages(). Error = One or more errors occurred." every 5 minute. SQL 20016 server is dedicated server, connection between IIS a SQL is correct. I try used crypto tool, but after restart server same error.


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Hello Radek,


Sorry you're having some issues. We don't really support Passwordstate being installed on a Domain Controller, so is it an option to move it off to another web server? you can follow the documents below for this if required.





We're not sure if it's the domain controller install which is causing this, but can you go to the screen Administration -> System Settings -> Miscellaneous tab, and check that the Base URL field here is correct for your environment?


Click Studios

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