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Hello AndersB,


Yes, we support Azure AD authentication using our SAML2 Protocol support. If you look under the Help Menu in the Security Administrators manual, we have full documentation for this in the System Settings section.


Click Studios

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Hi AndersB,

No you do not have to have a local AD. Do you know which version of Passwordstate you installed - either the AD Integrated one, or the forms based one?


If you've instead the AD Integrated version, you can still add in 'local' accounts, which are separate username and passwords.

We hope this helps.


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Please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe what @AndersB is alluding to is if you want to manage access by using/importing existing security groups from your AD, you can't do that today with AAD even if you are syncing from AD to AAD.  AAD is only for the authentication part.  If that's not true, I'd love to know what I'm missing.

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Hi cwaters,


From our understanding, and we are certainly no 'cloud' experts, but it is possible to sync on premise AD with Azure AD, and then you can import security groups, etc as normal. If you do not have any on premise AD, then we can only support authentication to Azure AD, using our SAML 2 support.

We hope this clarifies.


Click Studios

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