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Copy/Paste between RDP session


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We are using the browser/gateway setup, how do we copy/paste been the systems?  Ive tried dragging a file and it changes the cursor to move but nothing happens.


Kind regards


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Hi Phil,


Would you be able to let us know which of the following you are trying to do:

  1. Copy a file from your desktop to a remote session
  2. Copy a file from a remote session to your desktop
  3. Copy a file from a remote session to another remote session

Option 1 is possible by default. Option 2 is possible with a configuration change, and Option 3 is not possible. If you could let us know we can provide further instructions.


Click Studios


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jimmy,


From your desktop, you can drag and drop files into the remote session. If you want to copy files out of the remote session, we need to do a little reconfiguring here – see details below for this:

  1. Open the file appcfg.js in the /gateway/html folder
  2. Set ‘displayMsg’ to true and save the change – first screenshot below
  3. Restart the Passwordstate-Gateway Windows Service
  4. Now when you right-click on a file within the session and select ‘Copy’ you will see a popup message allowing you do download the file – second screenshot below





Click Studios

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  • 1 year later...


We´re also using the browser based gateway. Copying from the remote session to my desktop works fine using copy and download files, but copying from my desktop to the remote session doesn´t work, nothing happens and no error message.

Text works fine copying back and forth but not files. We´re using version 8.9 build 8993.


best regards


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