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Browser extension doesn't work

Franz Winter

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I'm trying to get the browser extension to work, but it stays red when I open Passwordstate.

The SSL Certificate is trustworthy.
I get the following error message about the developer mode of the extensions in Chrome.


Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ([{"errors":[{"message":"Invalid API Call"},{"phrase":"Error = Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}]}]) 


what can I do to fix this problem?


Thanks & Greetings


Franz Winter


Plugin Version:

Passwordstate Version: V8.6 (Build 8650) 


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Hi Franz,

Could you check for us if your API in Passwordstate is working okay? To do this, go to the Help Menu, and open the menu 'Web API Documentation'. Then click on the button 'Standard API Documentation'.

Does the API documentation page load? If it does, can you tell us if you use any Load Balancers, or Reverse Proxies?


Click Studios

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I think the issue here is fe80:*:*:*:*:* - we do not have support for IPv6, and this would be causing that error. These allowed IP ranges also are not enforced for the Browser Extension Controller within the API - but that IPv6 would have caused the error in a different class being used during authentication.


Click Studios

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