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Switching from NTLM to Kerberos - Firefox not working


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we've switched the authentication method to Kerberos and so far it's working with ie, chrome, but not in firefox.

We have made changes according to this forum post


and  the changes in firefox according to this website http://woshub.com/enable-kerberos-authentication-in-browser/

The message we get when we try to login in firefox is "You do not have permission to view this directory or page. "


Thank you for your support.


Kind regards

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Are you still getting an authentication prompt in Firefox now? If so, the Firefox reference in Section 1 in the following documented should be all that's required - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/152-why-am-i-being-prompted-to-enter-my-authentication-details/. But it sounds like you may already have done this?

Click Studios


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Hmmm - after doing some testing, this no longer seems to be working, so we can only presume Mozilla have changed something here. They still have this article posted, but it does not work https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Firefox asks for user name and password on internal sites

We'll see if we can find a solution, but hopefully someone else in the community knows how to get this working again?


Click Studios

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yes we've followed the instructions as described in your link to configure firefox, without any success.


That's bad, because we are using mainly firefox to browse the internet. :(

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