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Possibility to block acces to 1 secret or not view password

Kurt De Jaeger

Possibility to block acces to 1 secret or not view password  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Would you like to have the possibility to block access to 1 (or more) secret (or passwordlist) for certain users?

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We would like the option to block for a certain person(s) to see the secret or not be able to view the password of it.


Now we can set View / Modify / Admin but blocking an individual for seeing a password is mandatory


Also in the future we like to give our customers access to our PWS / Customer folder to see some passwords/secrets.


Many thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...


Great idea - A feature I am currently missing.

By default users receive the permissions from the passwordlist, and extra permissions set on the individual password.

I am indeed missing the feature to deny a specific user or group from having access to an individual password.

If a user is placed in "Remove permissions", (s)he would not have access to this specific password.



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