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Discovering WSS_ADMIN_WPG

David Jenkins

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I'm new to using Password State.  I've setup a Discovery that is limited to one system at the moment.  I'm looking to reset local Admin accounts. 


After discovery runs it finds the Administrator account and WSS_ADMIN_WPG which to my knowledge is a group.  I look on the system and there is no user, but there is a group with that name.


Why is discovery finding this?  Should it be? 


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Hi David,

Would you be able to log a support call via our site here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx so we can investigate more. We need the following information:


1. What Operating System is this on?

2. What version of PowerShell does this SharePoint server have

3. And provide screenshots of the groups, and local accounts on this machine.


Click Studios

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