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Issue with Chrome Extension

Beau P.

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When testing with a colleague today, he was not able to get a form to save or autofill his username and password. It worked fine for me on the same site. After investigating, I found an error in his console.


Uncaught QuotaExceededError: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of '<something>' exceeded the quota.


I did not record the exact error but I believe the value it was setting was whether or not it was supposed to ignore the website. It turns out the Local Storage in chrome for that site was full. After emptying local storage, the extension worked as intended.


I don't know what can be done about this but the extension silently fails if this happens. Maybe add exception handling when setting items?



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Thanks for the information, and we've never seen this happen before in Chrome - we had no idea it had a limit like this. To be honest, we're not sure how we would even simulate it to be full, in order to capture this error and try and handle it gracefully.


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