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ODBC password reset

Ryan Coyle

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Hi Password State,


I was wondering is it possible to reset ODBC sql connection from passwordstate?


The scenario we are trying to achieve is to update SQL passwords automatically without needing to know the password, the issue with this is that we would have to update our ODBC connections on different servers so we would like to add a dependency to update the ODBC connections as well, is this possible?


Best Regards


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Hi Ryan,


We do not have the ability to do that natively. But if you have someone in your team with PowerShell programming skills, you might be able to write your own script for this - you can add in your own custom PowerShell scripts, and then add a "dependency" to your SQL record to reset these ODBC connections - assuming it's possible.

We have some information in the User Manual under the Help Menu, to guide you through how to create a script - just look in the KB Articles section.


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