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Password Generator Policy not working correctly


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since the last update to Build 8835 the Password Generator Policy is not working correctly.

i configured the policy to generate password like this pattern "ulllnnnns". so the generated password are like "Khys3734+" but since the update all generated passwords are like "Hhhh4444$" (4x the same letter and the same number).

Is this a bug in the new build?


thank you

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Sorry, yes this does seem to be an issue. In build 8835, we've had the change the randomness seed for the generator, as we had another customer who reported passwords where being duplicated when comparing batches of random passwords.


So instead we changed to using the option in the .NET Famework to use the clock time for the randomness, but this seems to cause issues with this pattern matching now. We'll need to look into this to see what we can do to fix it.

Thanks for reporting the issue to us, and we'll report back here once fixed.


Click Studios

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We've just released build 8838, which resolves the issue you've reported above. When you have the time, can you follow one of the suggested upgrade methods outlined in the following document - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf

Thanks again for reporting it, and sorry for the issue in the first place.


Click Studios

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