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SelfDestruct Error in Event Logs


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On your Passwordstate web server, you may see multiple errors of this type:


An error has occurred calling the method MoveSelfDestrucAuditingData(). Error = One or more errors occurred.

An error has occurred calling the method MoveSelfDestrucEmailData(). Error = One or more errors occurred.

An error has occurred calling the method DeleteOldSelfDestructMessages(). Error = The remote name could not be resolved: 'keyring.home.sourcenix.no'

An error has occurred calling the method MoveSelfDestrucAuditingData(). Error = One or more errors occurred.

An error has occurred calling the method MoveSelfDestrucEmailData(). Error = One or more errors occurred.

An error has occurred calling the method DeleteOldSelfDestructMessages(). Error = The remote name could not be resolved: 'keyring.home.sourcenix.no'

An error has occurred calling the method MoveSelfDestrucAuditingData(). Error = BadRequest, Bad Request




The reason you are seeing these errors  is because the Passwordstate Windows Service cannot contact the Self Destruct site/api.  There could be three reasons for this:


  1. The base URL is incorrect under Administration -> System Settings -> Miscellaneous.  This should be your current Passwordstate URL with the correct port number.
  2. You are possibly using a web load balancer, are you using one of these that you know of?
  3. You may not have configured the Self Destruct Application, which is only required if you have previously upgraded from an older version of Passwordstate.  You can tell if it’s configured as an application because the Self Destruct site under Passwordstate will look like this:




If yours just looks like one of the other folders, you will need to configure it as an application by following the instructions under Help -> User Manual -> KB Articles -> Configure Self Destruct IIS Application.




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