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Import users from AD to Self Destruct Message


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I have 2 questions.

1. When I want to send Self Destruct message I can see drop down list. When I chose any iser, he received my message. However, 90% of users are not visible there and I cannot send message to me. When I put my e-mail addres manually I have nevere received this message (3 attempts). From my understanding I should import those contacts somewhow. Why part of users are in drop down list and part not? 

I am checking it as a Passwordstate administrators so lack of permissions is not possible.


2. My user claims he sends self destruct message and he tries to open it, he receives error:

> Self Destruct Message Not Found
> It appears the Self Destruct Message you are trying to view no longer exists.
> If you still need to view this message, please contact the
> author of the message and ask them to resend it.

I checked audit but I do not see too much infotrmation there. Is there any other place that I can find more logs?


PS: V8.7 Builv 8792


Br, Sus



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Hi Sus,


When searching for a user to send an Self Destruct message to, by default it will look through any users that you have listed under Administration -> User Accounts.  If the users on that page do not have a email address associated with their username, then they will not show when searching for them in a Self Destruct Message.  


When sending a Self Destruct message, it's possible to time bomb the message so it gets deleted after a specific amount of time.  I'm wondering if it's possible your user is not reading the message quick enough?



Under Auditing, can you check these two auditing events and see if they help understand if the message was sent and if it was read?






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From my understanding Passwordstate is for give password to users who do not have permanent access to Passwordstate lists, is that correct?

E.g. Service Desk sends passwords to users using this app. It means that we do not have all users there. Can I import all of them from AD somehow? I can see that I cann do it via CSV but what if new user comes. It does not make sense to import it manually. 


I aaked my user for sending me this message. Ican see from e-mail that there's " This message will expire 3 days from the time of this email being sent. " but once I opened it, I can see: It appears the Self Destruct Message you are trying to view no longer exists.


Regarding logs in Audit - I can see it but it does not say too much, any information about possible issues. Just information that user sent message to another user. 

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Hi Sus,


Unfortunately at this stage the Global Admin Address book needs to be updated manually in the UI, or if you want to automate this you could use our API.  If you look under Help -> Web API Documentation, there is a section about adding/deleting and maintaining contacts using a script.  Potentially you could write a script to read any new users that are added to active directory, and then use our API POST commands to add that user into the global address book.


For the issue where the Self Destruct message cannot be found, having the High Availability node set up will definitely explain this.  I'd recommend installing the Self Destruct Site separately to any of your two Passwordstate servers, by following this video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BikrIJCy1lg



This way, you will have only one Self Destruct site, and both all Self Destruct messages will be hosted here.


I hope this helps!




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