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Moving to Azure


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Below is a guide from Click Studios on how to Move Passwordstate to Azure.  Please refer to Official Microsoft documentation if this guide isn't comprehensive enough. If you intend to move to the cloud, please ensure you keep your current on premise version running, and only shut that down once you have confirmed that you can successfully access your new instance in Azure.


The first thing you’ll need to do is determine which kind of database you’ll be using in Azure.  You can either install SQL on an Azure virtual Windows Server (just as you would on an On-Premise server), and move your database to it following this document: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/documentation/move-new-database-server.aspx.


If you prefer to use an Azure SQL Database, the latest build of SQL Server Management Studio Tools (SMSS) can help with this migration from your On-Prem database to the Azure SQL database.  First you should create an empty Azure SQL database and then in SMSS you can use this option to push data to this empty database:



After migrating your data up to the SQL Azure database, you will need to run these SQL commands when connected to your Azure SQL database, using SMSS. This will create the "Passwordstate_User" account in the database and assign it the appropriate permissions. Azure does not allow for the USE statement, so we need to right click Master Database and select New Query.  Execute the following script:


CREATE LOGIN passwordstate_user WITH password='Welcome01'



CREATE USER passwordstate_user FOR LOGIN passwordstate_user WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]





Next right click your Passwordstate database, select New Query and run this script:



CREATE USER passwordstate_user FOR LOGIN passwordstate_user WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]



EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'passwordstate_user';




Once you database is moved, you can then use this document to move your Passwordstate install to your Azure Windows server:  https://www.clickstudios.com.au/documentation/move-new-web-server.aspx


Please note you’ll need to have an external DNS entry which directs all internet traffic to your Azure web server, and you’ll also need to open a port on your Azure web server firewall to all access for all users.  The port that needs to be open is the port you set in your IIS Bindings, but generally 443 is the best port to use.


We hope this helps, 



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