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PassiveNode explained for web.config file - High Availability


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**EDIT** This forum post has been updated as it no longer applies to Passwordstate 9.  This forum post is only valid if you are running Passwordstate 8 or below.  In Passwordstate 9, you will instead toggle the server role under Administration -> Authorized Web Servers


Begin Post:


The PassiveNode setting in your c:\inetpub\passwordstate\web.config file controls the behaviour of your Passwordstate website, and the Passwordstate Windows Service.  This is where your PassiveNode is set:




If you do not see your PassiveNode in the web.config file in clear text like the screenshot above, then your web.config file will be encrypted.  Please see this forum post for more information on this:  https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/2699-encrypting-and-decrypting-the-webconfig-file/



To explain the PassiveNode values:


False = your Passwordstate website is in fully functional, read/write and the windows service is fully operational.  Your primary server should always be set to False


Active = The website is in Read/Write mode, but the windows service is limited. ie it does not perform syncs or password resets, or send out user emails.


True = the website is in Read only mode and the Windows service is also limited.


Basically, set the primary web.config to False always, and the secondary web.config to either True or Active, depending if you want the website to be in Read/Write mode, or just Read Only mode.


If you need to change the value of the PassiveNode for any reason, please restart your Passwordstate Windows Service to pick up this change.  Restarting the Windows service is non disruptive for your end users.



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