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LINUX: Reset root account with AD priv account


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Hi Guys,


Can you please tell me if there is a way to reset the root account on a linux server with an AD account with privilege? We do this with windows server.

On linux, i can reset other accounts password but not the root.


We are running build 8865


Thank you!

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That didnt seem to work unfortunately, unless im doing something wrong.


I vi /etc/sudoers file and add the follow at the very bottom:


## Enable sudo rootpw for Passwordstate Privileged Account Defaults

Defaults:<svc_password_reset> rootpw



Save it, then try to run the password reset again, and still nothing. The password to root is unchanged.



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Hi Oscar,  


could you try removing the  < > in the username and see if that helps?


## Enable sudo rootpw for Passwordstate Privileged Account Defaults

Defaults:svc_password_reset rootpw



If that doesn't help then we're unsure sorry, as we do not have an environment set up to use AD accounts with Linux machines.





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  • 2 months later...

I found this post as I need the same functionality. I was able to get it to work by adding my full domain to the user account. Example below.


## Enable sudo rootpw for Passwordstate Privileged Account Defaults

Defaults:svc_password_reset@example.com rootpw


I personally added it to a /etc/sudoers.d/some_sudoers_file as I do not like to modify the original sudoers file, /etc/sudoers, if I can help it. It works in either of these locations.

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