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Emails not sending


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We have configured the 5 minute remote connection report to provide emails to select staff when admins login with their reasons.


It seems that the ability to send emails stops every night.  When I try and send a test email from System Settings it says there is something wrong with the email server settings.  Once I reboot or restart the service the test emails start sending again.  If I run a scheduled report it will then send the email, and the scheduled 5 minute report email starts sending again.  I'm not seeing any Windows Event Logs that seem to occur nightly that I could try and tie to this.





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There seems to be a couple of issues here. When you use the Test Email button from the System Settings screen, can you check if there are any errors or connections being made to your email server - maybe in the event logs, or whatever logging system your mail system provides.


All other types of emails are sent via the Passwordstate Windows Service, so can you check if something is stopping that service in the middle of the night - we've seen monitoring software do this before.


Click Studios

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Now that I posted about it it did not happen last night.


In each occurrence the service was still running.  I will take a look to see if the service is restarting overnight and not coming all the way up.  Our email is hosted and the unfortunately won't provide me the logs directly but I will reach out and ask about communications problems with the server.  

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This behavior was present yesterday while I was out of office.  Saw that no reports were sent.  This morning I logged into the server to take a look at logs and the report sent for me logging in there, and all test reports sent.  No restart of service or server, just logging into the server with my administrative account seems to get things moving again.  Any thoughts or ideas on how I can troubleshoot further?  I've been looking at the windows events and don't see anything that sticks out to me but they definitely do have some contents above my level of comprehension that may be helpful that I can supply in private if necessary to help look into this.  


Thanks so much!

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Hello hatface13,


We're really sorry, but we cannot explain the inconsistencies you're seeing here, and we've never witnessed it ourselves.

The only sort of debugging we have for this is either the Windows Application Event Log on your web server, or the Error Console in Passwordstate - which is within the Administration screen.


Click Studios

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