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ERROR Generated CSV Template


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I'm having trouble importing and exporting csv templates created with Passwordstate. It seems that it creates an incorrectly formatted csv with commas, when I open it with excel (office365), everything comes out unformatted.
I attach the csv file. In addition, if I try to convert it via excel (from text to csv) to display it correctly, at the time of import I have this error:




23/04/2020 11:00:00	Passwords	Row 5: Could not find a matching Password List in the database. Possibly you specified an incorrect PasswordListID, or possibly one for a Folder.
23/04/2020 11:00:00	Passwords	Row 4: Could not find a matching Password List in the database. Possibly you specified an incorrect PasswordListID, or possibly one for a Folder.



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Hello Guido,

That csv template file you provided opens okay for us in Excel. CSV files are meant to be comma separated, and I'm wondering what sort of formatting issue you are seeing?

With your import below, I believe you are doing this on the screen Administration -> Password Lists. This is intended to bulk insert into multiple different Password Lists at a time, and you have to specify the correct PasswordListID values here, which it does not look like you have done.

If you want to instead import into just one single Password List, you can do this from the Password List itself, under the Passwords tab. Look in the List Administrator Actions dropdown list beneath the grid, and you can import from there - and please use the CSV template from there as well, as you do not need to specify the PasswordListID values in this manner.


Click Studios

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Hi Guido,


We have customers using this feature all the time, and we've never had this reported before sorry - so we do believe it is generating a proper csv file - if you open in Notepad, you should be able to confirm this. Maybe you could create your own CSV file based off the columns names you see in the one we export?

Do any other customers have issues like this in Excel?


Click Studios

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