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Stuck with creating DB


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I tried to install latest build of Passwordstate on W2003 R2, MSSQL 2008 R2 and I'm stuck on creating DB. I think all prereq and system req are met. Now I give the passwordstate user on MSSQL sysadmin rights, but it's same. Database on MSSQL server is created, but setup still showing same window : [ATTACH=CONFIG]52[/ATTACH]

and setup never go to the next step. Are you ever seen this problem? I'm glad for every help.

Thank you


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Hi Martin,

Sorry you're having some issues, but hopefully we can sort them for you fairly quickly.

To help troubleshoot this issue, can do the following for us:

  • For the 'passwordstate' SQL Account you've created, can you confirm it it has the ‘dbcreator’ and ‘securityadmin’ SQL Server roles? Most customers normally use the 'sa' account here, but understand this is not always the best thing to do
  • Are using using SQL Server Express, or the full version of SQL Server?
  • Can you have a look at the Passwordstate5 database, and tell us if the WordDictionary table has been created, and if it has 10,000 records in it?
  • Can you email us a copy of the web.config file to have a look at - you can find this in the root of the Passwordstate folder
  • Can you tell us how much free memory you have available on your web server? On a couple of occasions we've seen lack of memory cause this initial setup process to fail


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For anyone else reading this thread, we believe the issue related to not enough memory on the web or database server, as the 10,000 records in the WordDictionary table was not properly populated.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Toni,

We believe the previous issue was due to possible lack of memory on the server - would this be the case for you? We recommend at least 1GB of free memory if possible, so all the records can be added to the database.

If you bring up the Developer Tools in your browser, is it showing any sort of javascript errors? Also, we're assuming you're installing version 6 - does it show anything on the 'Database Creation Log' tab.

It might be quicker if we could organise a remote desktop session so we can assist. If you'd like to do this, can you contact us via our Support page at http://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx


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  • 2 years later...



we have the same issue, stuck on db creation. The context is:


- I have existing db with user. The user has db_owner role

- The db server has 15 GB of free memory

- WordDictionary has 9955 rows


I closed the web interface and tried again, but again - after I click on Next, nothing happens. Just a message creating database, please wait.

Should I remove the tables created and start again?


Please help to move forward

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Hi Shamil,


On the initial database setup screen, the SQL Account you specify to create the database and all tables requires the ‘dbcreator’ and ‘securityadmin’ SQL Server roles at a minimum.


If you have first created the blank database yourself, and use the second tab to create all the tables, then the SQL Account only requires db_owner rights to the database itself.


Can you let us know what method you are using i.e. the Passwordstate setup is creating the database, or you have already created the blank database yourself. If you have the database already created, it must be blank with no tables in it.


If you would like to reset everything and try again, you can follow these instructions:

  • Delete the Passwordstate database and passwordstate_user SQL account
  • With the attached zip file, extract this to a temp folder, and copy the web.config file into the root of the Passwordstate folder, and the create_sql_account.sql file into the /setup/scripts folder
  • Now you can browse to your site again and start the process over

Can you let us know if this helps?





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  • 3 weeks later...

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