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RDP feature Question


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Does the RDP feature require the PasswordState server to be on the same NAT as the remote computer/already be networked via a vpn tunnel (Like traditional RDP demands). Or is it doing something similar to NinjaRMMs offering, where they host an RDP gateway in the cloud and tunnel through the agent that is installed on the remote endpoint. They basically allow you to RDP (real RDP not screen mirroring) over the internet with just a registered agent. No need to expose 3389 or have a VPN.

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Hi Andy,

If you are using our Remote Site Locations module (https://www.clickstudios.com.au/remotesitelocations/default.aspx) you can deploy our Browser Based Gateway into different networks, and access the machines from your internal network.

From your internal network , you need access to the IP Address and Port you have the Gateway configured on, but no other ports need to be open. You don't even need functioning DNS from your internal network for this to work, as the name resolution happens at the gateway end.

I hope this helps.


Click Studios

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