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Authentication not working after Server Reboot


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Hi There


We're actually running into an Issue where the Authentication for the Web-Portal isn't working anymore after a Server Reboot or after running an InPlace-Upgrade. 

So we set the Authentication mode to "Manual AD and Email Temporary Pin Code". After a Server reboot when a User tries to log in, the System is asking for the temporary Pin Code the User should have received. But after a few seconds there appears a message with an error to check the email-Settings in the Admin-Panel. Everytime after a Server Reboot we have to login using our Emergency-Account, set the authentication Method to "Manual AD Authentication" save it, switch it back to "Manual AD and Email Temporary Pin Code" save it again an then the System is able to send E-Mails with temporary Pin Codes again.


We checked our Server-Settings, Antivirus-Settings, and so on.. all seems to be ok.

Is there anyone else experience the same issue or may have an idea what the problem could be?


Thanks and Regards

User Nr 1

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Hello User Nr1,


This sounds like your email server is having issues sending emails, and swapping back and forth between authentication options would only be a coincident as to the fix you've mentioned.

Can you let us know what mail server you are using, and are the email addresses internal to your network, or external?


Click Studios


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HI Click Studios


Thanks for your answer. From my point of view this behaviour is not an indicator for our mail server having an issue.

We're using a Sophox Exim as an internal mail relay and were investigating the logs. This is what we found in the mail server logs:

Evertytime after the Passwordstate server has been rebootet (or updated), it tries to send authentication or notification mails trough smtp. It sets up the connection but after a few seconds the connection is lost by the passwordstate server. After the fix with the switch-back method it starts working again. This could indicate a problem with the software on the Passwordstate server.


Our setup:

Passwordstate server is in a special Server VLAN with no FW to the mail-relay server. It communicates using TLS, no mailbox to send and to internal mail addresses only. It also works without TLS but we experience the same issue wether TLS is activated or not. So this can't be the reaseon.


Best Regards

User Nr 1

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Hello User Nr 1,


Thanks for the information, but unfortunately we do not know the cause of this problem in your environment - we have no experience unfortunately with Sophox Exim and mail relays in this manner.

Is it possible to use a different authentication option, as we have many of them? Unless some other customers on the forums might have an idea?


Click Studios

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Hi Click Studios


I guess it does not matter if we're using Sophos Exim or another solution. It seems like there is an issue where the Passwordstate-SW is having trouble to get a proper SMTP connection.

Sadly we're not able to use one of the other offered Authentication Options at the Moment.



User Nr 1

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Hello User Nr 1,


We use Microsoft Exchange internally, and do not see the issue you are reporting - and we don't seem to be getting any other reports of this - so we don't believe this could be related to our software having issues sending emails - unless it's a problem with the relay you have setup. Sorry, we cannot be sure.


If there is an exception being raised during this email process, it will be logged on the screen Administration -> Error Console. Can you have a look there for us?


Click Studios

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Hi Click Studios


We should also have the possibility to use our Exchange as SMTP. But for security and standardization reasons we got an independent mailrelay.

It would have been interesting if other users with sophos exim have the same issues or not.


Thanks for your help anyway.



User Nr 1

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