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Password Updated email notification happening even when it is disabled


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Password Updated: Notifies you when a Password is updated in a Password List is disabled but the notifications are still happening. 


I have toggled to Enabled and back to Disabled again but it is still not changing. I have also tried to disable all email notifications.


Other notifications appear to be behaving properly.


v8.9 build 8973

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Hello Rankinc,

Sorry you're having some issues, and this is very strange considering you have disabled all email templates - that is a system wide disable, and you should not be seeing this.

To troubleshoot this further, can you please contact us via the following page on our web site - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx. We will need to have a look at some data, and the configuration of your server. Please provide the following:

  • Using the following article as a guide, provide a copy of the data in the tables EmailTemplates, EmailNotificationGroups, BlockedNotifications, BlockedEmailNotificationGroups https://www.clickstudios.com.au/documentation/query-data.aspx 
  • And follow this article and provide us information about your web server - 


Click Studios

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