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Remote Session Launcher Credentials


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As we start to use the Remote Session Launcher more, we would like the ability to have it automatically rotate passwords for the service accounts used for connections by connecting to AD doing it automatically on either a set timer (once a day, week, month, etc) and a manual option that will trigger the update on an on-demand basis.

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Hello The_antioch,


We might already have some features for this. Are you aware you can reset AD accounts on demand, or on a schedule? Here is an example of how you configure and AD record for that - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/1733-active-directory-password-reset-example/


We also have the exclusive checkout feature which can be used with Remote Sessions as well - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/1801-password-check-out-check-in-then-reset/. You do need to manually check the record back in though, or wait for the timer.


Click Studios


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