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Remote Site Agent - logs showing: API Call error for PerformAgentPoll = Forbidden, Forbidden: Access is denied.


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I have checked the key  and the configuration in the PasswordstateAgent.exe.config file and have restarted the service.  This was working fine until a few days ago but now seeing errors in the logs:

API Call error for PerformAgentPoll = Forbidden, Forbidden: Access is denied. 

API Call error for QueryHostHeartbeats = Forbidden, Forbidden: Access is denied.

API Call error for QueryPasswordResets = Forbidden, Forbidden: Access is denied.


All other remote site agents are fine.  What are the next steps to troubleshoot or should I just uninstall the agent and install it as a next step?

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Hello tvarvais,


It sounds like your firewall is now blocking access back to your Passwordstate site for this one Remote Site Location.

Can you please try doing an open port test from where the agent is installed?


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