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Password List Template is not listed when creating a new shared password list using the wizard


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I created a custom Password list template and when I go to add a new shared password list the template does not show up as a choice from the drop down.  It seems that many templates are missing but I can see them from the toolbox "password list templates".  How can I get these templates to show up when creating a new password list?

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Could you let us know what Build Number of Passwordstate you are using, in case this is a bug in the version you have?


Also, and we do not think this is the issue, but can you check that all accounts do have permissions to this new Password List Template?  You can view permissions on the template from the Actions Menu, as per below screenshot:





Click Studios

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And yes I verified that permission were set on this and multiple lists.  I also see the other templates that permissions are not even set vs the custom template I created.  I'd like a call to get this resolved.  I've  paid support with you and it's a bit troublesome to have to wait 24 hours for a response due to you being 12 hours ahead.  Can this be scheduled?  I've already submitted a ticket through your system on 10/13 but it seems your only means of communication is through the community.  

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Thanks for confirming, and yes we can schedule a call/remote session. On the following support page, can you let us know what times during our business hours you would be available - ?

And you can log support calls via email (ticket), but we thought we would respond to your question in the forums, instead of both.


Can you also tell us if you are using the 'Add Password List Wizard', or do you see the Add Password List screen with all the different settings and fields?


Click Studios

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For anyone else reading this forum post, we found the cause of this issue.


The first screenshot below was the type of Password List Templates that were missing - where the 'Enable Password Resets' option was enabled.

The second screenshot below is the reason these Templates were not showing - as there were restrictions applied as to which users could create Password Lists with this option enabled.




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