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How to send alerts to only administrators of password list ?

Pavel Belyj

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Hi Pavel,


The email notifications are designed to inform all users of the Password List of an activity, so they're aware of any changes. Maybe you could create an Email Notification Group, under the Administration area, disable the events you don't want your users to receive, and then apply permissions for those users.



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Thank you! and Sorry for my English.

But this method is not suitable for us.

There are users (IT users) who are administrators for password list A.

There are users (Security users) who are administrators for password list B.

Users (IT users) have read-only rights for password list B.

Users (Security users) have read-only rights for password list A.

Proposed option in this case will not help.

Under the action password list A and users (Security users) do not need to be notified.

Users (Security users) should not have to be notified for password list A.


Users (IT users) should not have to be notified for password list B.

It would be nice when only administrators receive notification.

Only one option would prevent problems from alerting.

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