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On registration pages, automatically generate and save passwords, user id, URL when browser extension on

Peter Whelan

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Try registering a new account at https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/register/&do=validating with the PasswordState extension enabled, then try it with Lastpass.  Lastpass user experience is much friendlier.


PasswordState select generate password and apply.

It fills it in one password field, but not the confirmation field

Copy the password into confirmation field


Log out and try to log back in.

Does password state remember your password?

No because you didn't manually save it.

Reset password.

Click Add to save the site this time.

Copy the URL 

Whoops, you forgot to copy the password first.

Reset password again


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Hi Peter,


I've just tested our forums as suggested above, and this is what I experienced:


  • Generate password and copy to clipboard, so you can paste it into multiple fields - we provide this option in case this is required
  • Fill out the rest of the details and save
  • The browser extension pops up asking to save the login into Passwordstate

Did you not see the prompt to save your login? If so, can you please check that you did not have this URL stored as an Ignored URL? Ignored URLs are stored in two locations:


  • Per user is store on the Preferences screen, under the Browser Extension tab
  • For all users on the Administration -> Browser Extension Settings screen


Click Studios

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