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Everything posted by support

  1. Hi Simon, Thanks for your post and I think another feature we have called "Check Out" will help with this. This feature give a user exclusive access to a Password Record, and this feature works in conjunction with the Remote Session Launcher. Here is a video of how to use the Checkout feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq15Bbdkz1k And below is a screenshot of what the user will see, if they try to do a remote session using a Remote Session Credentials linked to a password record configured for Checkout: If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to ask. Regards, Click Studios Support
  2. Hi HeizungAuf5, Can you take a look at this forum post, and let me know if it helps? https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2927-using-a-user-account-policy-to-force-settings-and-permissions-from-a-password-list-template/ Regards, Click Studios Support
  3. Hi Tyrone, In your original request you said "The whole point was to prevent non-admin users from viewing the value of the passwords". This feature is giving you this, but it also prevents copying the password to the clipboard, as the user can then view the password i.e. paste it into Notepad. I hope this clarifies. Regards Click Studios
  4. Hi Tryone, Can you check if the setting 'Hide Passwords from users with the following permissions' is enabled for your Templates and Password Lists, and that you have checked each of the 3 permission options for this setting. Regards Click Studios
  5. Hello, Syslog server information can be specified on the screen Administration -> System Settings -> Proxy and Syslog Servers. Regards Click Studios
  6. Hi Kingalano, We have this feature coming soon - in about 2 weeks time We will support the standard Username and Password fields, plus up to 10 other fields using our Generic Fields on Password Lists, and also OTP form filling as well. Regards Click Studios
  7. After Edge updates applied by group policy, customers are reporting the Passwordstate Extension is logging out and needs to be reconfigured. Manually updating the Edge Browser does not cause this behavior. We are informed this is a Microsoft Bug at this stage, which will hopefully be patched in a future version. https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2455961-approved-extensions-reinstalling-hiding-microsoft-edge-103-0-1264-37-x64 Other browsers are not affected by this. Regards, Support
  8. Hi Beau, Sorry you're having some issues, and in our testing we can reveal the password almost immediately, and load Password List pages in around 1 second. Where is this user located in relation to you geopgraphically? If the user tries this from a Password List with less than 10 records in it, what's the performance like? Regards Click Studios
  9. Hello Damcoole, We did some more testing last week, and unfortunately Edge is still not supported for this sort of thing. But in the next release, we will be releasing a Chrome version - this release should be due in about 2 weeks time. Regards Click Studios
  10. Hi Dominc, We suspect maybe your AV software has caused this. To re-install the service, please follow these instructions - assuming the passwordstate.exe file still exists: Open a command prompt as an Administrator, and enter the following commands CD "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" InstallUTIL.exe "C:\inetpub\Passwordstate\bin\Passwordstate.exe" net start "Passwordstate Service" Regards Click Studios
  11. Thanks very much Alex - fixed for the next release. Regards Click Studios
  12. Hello Tyrone, Based on your intitali screenshot, we think you might be changing the default authentication in IIS, and not for the Passwordstate web site itself - by default, both Anonymous and Windows authentication are enabled for our site. Regards Click Studios
  13. Hello, We will check again whether Microsoft support this yet in Edge - they did not back in March. If they still do not support it, are you able to use Chrome instead - we could release a new build of the Credential Provider if you're able to do this. Regards Click Studios
  14. Hi Daryl, If you run our upgrader, it should prompt you to to also upgrade the database when you first access your web site. If this is not the case, please log a support ticket here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx, and provide the output of the following Health check script from here https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2518-passwordstate-support-information-script/ Can you also please provide a full screenshot of your browser, so we can see the URL being used. Regards Click Studios
  15. Hello Tyrone, Thanks for your enquiry. Due to performance reasons, we need to limit the amount of data we present here in the Navigation Tree. We have some customers with thousands of Password Lists and Folders, and the more data you need to download for this Tree Structure, the slower it us. Regards Click Studios
  16. Hello, Please visit the following page where you can download the latest builds - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-checksums.aspx On this page is a link for where you can download the upgrade instructions as well. Regards Click Studios
  17. Hello Jeremy, This is currenty possible by giving the Help Desk staff access to the one Security Administrator role to this 'User Account Management' screen. Please go to the screen Administration -> Security Administrators, and grant them access to this role. Regards Click Studios
  18. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9535. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  19. Hello, After searching the internet, we found the following articles regarding this issue: Original bug with Microsoft confirming it's an issue -> https://borncity.com/win/2022/05/12/windows-mai-2022-updates-verursachen-ad-authentifizierungsfehler-server-client/ Out-of-band patch released on May 19 that has reports of not fixing the issue - https://borncity.com/win/2022/05/21/windows-out-of-band-updates-vom-19-5-2022-versagen-mit-nps-beim-ad-dc-authentifizierungsfehler/ Might require customers uninstalling the patch if they are affected by this, until Microsoft fix it properly. Regards Click Studios
  20. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9533. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  21. If you have recently upgraded Passwordstate, to build 9512 or higher, and you receive an error message when running API scripts that reference: "This Passwordstate Authorised Web Server does not have the correct Role selected for this functionality" Please restart your PasswordstateApps application pool in IIS, or restart your Web server, and this should resolve the issue. Regards, Support.
  22. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9531. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  23. Hello, That would be a false positive, as AV software cannot look into our code due to obfuscation. Regards Click Studios
  24. Hello Marcel, Please see attached sample file. The other customer also mentioned that he suspected that the Notes field in KeePass was causing him issues, and possibly breaking the XML structure. Regards Click Studios KeePass_Example_Data.zip
  25. Hi Paul, Can you also go to the screen Administration -> System Settings -> Miscellaneous tab, and ensure the 'Base URL' field is correct - and that it is set to HTTPS and not HTTP Thanks Click Studios
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