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Everything posted by support

  1. Hi Katrina and Michelle, We just released build 9593, which includes two fixes for the issues you've identified above. You can download the latest build from here, and you only need to upgrade the core product, and not the Password Reset Portal itself - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-checksums.aspx Sorry for the issues, and thanks again for reporting it. Regards Click Studios
  2. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9593. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  3. Hi Dave, Yes, this is possible by either of our API's. You can see the documentation for our APIs, under the Help Menu in Passwordstate. We hope this helps. Regards Click Studios
  4. Hi Greg, Yes, if you could please log a feature request for us, we'd appreciate it. Regards Click Studios
  5. Hello, So we can gather some information about your environment, can you please log your support ticket here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx and provide the results of this server info script to us - https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2518-passwordstate-support-information-script/ Thanks Click Studios
  6. Hi Greg, We've just checked version 8, and we did have a tooltip back then, but not in version 9. If you want to see the URL, there is a system setting that you can change. Simply go to the screen Administration -> System Settings, search for URL, and you will find the setting "When displaying URL columns in grids, display the URL value as a". Regards Click Studios
  7. Hi Damien, You don't need internet access, you just need Wifi access to your local network - but fully understand you may not be able to offer that to your users as well. We always consider customers with disconnected networks like yourself, as we have many defence customers. But as you can appreciate in this instance, it is the browser vendors at fault here. Regards Click Studios
  8. Hello Simon, Sorry you're having some issues with this. Could you please log a support ticket here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx and provide the following information: Run the following health script, and provide is the results - https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2518-passwordstate-support-information-script/ Using the following article, provide data from the ResetTasksQueue table, when there is some data in there not processing - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/documentation/query-data.aspx Thanks Click Studios
  9. Hi Katrina, Thanks for working with the team in identifying this as a bug, and we will let you know as soon as we have a fix. Regards Click Studios
  10. Hi Damien, Yes, we logged a technical support call with Microsoft about 12 months ago regarding Edge, and they will not respond. Have you considered using your Mobile Phones for access to the Portal - a lot of our customers do this? And yes, until the browser vendors provide a better solution for this, we will need to wait. We've even seen a new market for Kiosk keyboards, which have certain keys removed, preventing users from launching new tabs. This is obviously a market that has popped up, due to the features lacking in Kiosk mode in modern browsers. Regards Click Studios
  11. Hello Kinglsulgard, Can you please try upgrading to build 9583, as we did provide a fix in this build for the error you are seeing - which was only hapenning on older operating systems. Regards Click Studios
  12. Jello Damcoole, Unfortunately, Edge does still not support launching from the Login screen on Windows. Once Microsoft support this, then we will update our Windows Credential Provider to use it. With our testing with Chrome, unfortunately the Kiosk mode in Chrome is not sufficient in preventing the user from opening new tabs in chrome, and browsing to whatever web site they wish. For security reasons, this is not ideal when no user is authenticated on the PC. So when either Edge or Chrome support a proper Kiosk mode, launched from the Windows login screen, then we will support them in our Windows Credential provider. Regards Click Studios
  13. Hello, Version 7 has not been supported for over a year and a half now, so could you please try upgrading to version 9 to see if this resolves your issues - we have TLS 1.0 and 1.1 disabled in all our environments. Here are the upgrade instructions for you - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf Please note the new system requirements for verion 9, and you also need to upgrade to build 8995, before you can upgrade to version 9. This information is detailed in the instructions above. Regards Click Studios
  14. Hello Coupe, Could you please log a support ticket here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx, and let us know what web sites you are having issues with so we can test? Thanks Click Studios
  15. Issue: You have an issue with your website loading, and one test you need to do is confirm the SQL credentials your website is using are still valid. Instructions: Step 1: Log in to your Passwordstate webserver, and open the c:\inetpub\passwordstate\web.config file. At the top of the file you will see a connection string as per below screenshot. If you cannot see this connection string, this means you have encrypted your web.config file, and you will need to decrypt to reveal the connection string in clear text. You can do this by following this guide: https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2699-encrypting-and-decrypting-the-webconfig-file/ Step 2: In the connection string, take note of the server name, username and password as this example screenshot below shows: Step 3: Open SQL Management Studio Tools, and connect to the appropriate Server name, with the user name and password you found in the step above. Results: If you cannot establish a connection, then you will need to log in with a SQL account that has permissions to reset the password for the account you found in Step 2 above. You should then update this password in your web.config file, and then try logging back in to Passwordstate. Unfortunately Click Studios cannot help reset the SQL password, and you will need to liaise with you Database Administrator to perform this action. If you do not have a Database Administrator, you will need to log in with the inbuilt SA (SuperAdministrator) account. If you do not know the SA password to log in with, please Google "How to reset SQL SA password" Regards, Click Studios
  16. Hello Simon, Could you please tell us what browser you are using, so we can do some further testing? Thanks Click Studios
  17. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9583. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  18. Issue: You are seeing unusual behavior in Passwordstate such as a 403 Forbidden Access screen with Self Destruct Messages, or perhaps something like your reports are not running which rely on the API functioning correctly. This forum post describes how to go direct to your website, which will rule out a config issue on your network device. Step 1: Log into your Passwordstate server and create a new HTTPS binding. An example can be testing.clickdemo.com. Ensure you assign a working certificate to this binding: Step 2: In DNS, create a New Alias (CNAME) record that matches the binding you just created. This should point to your Passwordstate webserver: Step 3: Now log into Passwordstate, and update the Base URL to this new test URL, and click Save.: Now try to reproduce the issue, but use the new testing URL you created. Does the issue persist? If it does, please log a support call with Click Studios and provide as much details as you can, including what you are doing to generate the error, and any screenshots that can help. If it is a load balancer or proxy issue, please consider liaising with the vendor of that device and Click Studios can provide any information they need to help troubleshoot the issue. Please note, when you have finished testing, you can revert back the base URL to your production URL. Regards, Click Studios Support
  19. Hi Guys, We're working on this feature at the moment - shouldn't be too far away. Regards Click Studios
  20. Hi SmartyPants, Unfortunately no, we do not have any functionality to check Out passwords in our API, but you are welcome to put a feature request in if you like? If you would like to do this, please submit it into the Feature Request section of our forums - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/forum/38-feature-requests/ By logging it here, this will help us prioritize your request based on the community voting on features, and if you enable the ‘Notify me of Replies’ on your request, then you will receive an email notification once we complete it. Regards, Click Studios Support
  21. Hi Simon, We have fixed the playback issue for the next release, which is due next week. Can you try upgrading Passwordstate, and your external install of the gateway, once this release is available, and then we can re-tets your issues. Here are the upgrade instructions, for when the next release is out - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf Regards Click Studios
  22. HI SimonRB, Sorry we didn't get back to you sooner on this. The .rdvp file are a proprietary file extension that our session recordings use. We have actually purchased this software from a third party and integrated it with our software, and the video player was custom built by them too. I've just performed a test and the session recordings are as quick as a real life session for us, and you can skip forwards, and backwards with no lag using the toolbar at the bottom of the page. We tested this in Microsoft Edge. Did you use a different browser by any chance and did you have any browser extensions active? Have you possibly changed the default path to the session recordings to a network share, or somewhere else? With the mouse icon, I've also just tested this and the mouse doesn't seem to get stuck at all. ie if I browse to the Click Studios forums within a session, and hover over one of the links and it changes from an arrow to a hand, it instantly changes back to an arrow as soon as I stop hovering over the link. Again, maybe this might be browser related, can you let me know what browser you are using, and what version? Regards, Support
  23. Hi Simon, It actually shouldn't have anything to do with being an administrator. Do you have more than one Remote Session Credential linked to your host? This may be a bug and may need fixing, and I'll test this as soon as I can. Regards, Support
  24. Hi HeinzungAuf5, In your csv file, please insert <br> to start a new line. Please see example below for a csv file and the result of importing it into Passwordstate - Please let me know if you have any questions about this? PS, thanks for using our software! Regards, Click Studios Support
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