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Single password / password list recovery


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There should be a sort of recycle bin to allow a security administrator to recover deleted single passwords or password lists for users. Accidental deletions seem to require a full database restore which can be destructive if a user does not discover their mistake for a period of time.


Unless I'm missing an already implemented feature, please look into adding this functionality.

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3 hours ago, Fabian Näf said:

Hi pferree

Every Paaswordlist has its own recyle bin. You find the recycle bin under "List Administrator Actions..." This option should be available on any Passwortlist in the dropdown menu on the bottom right side.

Best regards,


That's great, but what about a recycle bin for deleted password lists?

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Hello Pferree,


We do not have a Recycle Bin for Password Lists at this stage. The user is prompted twice to confirm the do wish to delete the list, so hopefully no-one will do this by accident.


Click Studios

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Thanks - we've been meaning to work on this for quite some time now, but it does require updating several hundred calls to the database, and testing them all, across all tiers and modules in Passwordstate.

There just seems to be a lot more other request that seem to take up our time. Maybe we could improve the delete process here, so the user is well aware this is an irreversible process - we could make them acknowledge it by forcing them to tick a checkbox.



Click Studios

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This is probaly the biggest thing that prevented my organisation purchasing Passwordstate, and we've gone elsewhere. It is otherwise an excellent solution.  However much you warn users, accidents or even malicious intent, will mean we would want to recover deleted items at some stage.  Going back to backup is not always feasible as you may not realise for months an infrequent password is missing, and when you need it, having a single place to search for deleted items is important.

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Hi All, 

Just in case some of you are not aware, there is a recycle bin for password records, but not entire Password Lists.


If required, you can also restore a backup to a test environment, if you find this is required months later, to a test environment - ensuring you do not overwrite any production data.


We do wish to work on this feature, but it is a considerable amount of work to achieve i.e. do we go through the entire code stack to exclude Password Lists from being used (if deleted), or do we have a copy of certain tables and move data backwards and forwards as required.


Click Studios

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