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Upgrading to Passwordstate Build 9493+ "Could not allocate Space" when upgrading database.


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You are attempting to upgrade to Passwordstate 9493 or above and you see an error such as below when upgrading the database. 



It reads: 

Error The statement has been terminated. Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.AuditingArchive'.'PK.AuditingArchive' in database ’passwordstate' because the ’PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.



We believe this is happening due to the expected database growth in build 9493 due to the introduction of Unicode characters.  This can grow you database by an expected amount of 300% to 400%.


Have you rolled back your upgrade yet by any chance, including the database?  The troubleshooting for this will differ depending on what state your system is in:


Status 1:

Your webserver and database have been restored, and your system is currently working:



Use this forum post to confirm you have enough disk space and you have no limits on database growth: https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/15057-build-9493-database-management/. This forum post also describes how to Shrink your Database and Log files, which you can try performing to reduce the overall size of your database. 


Try shrinking your database, and then perform the upgrade again from the beginning, ie run the Passwordstate.exe to upgrade the web files, and then log in to complete the database upgrade.


Status 2:

You have not rolled back your install files or database since logging this support ticket, and your system is still in a broken state



Use this forum post to confirm you have enough disk space and you have no limits on database growth: https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/15057-build-9493-database-management/. This forum post also describes how to Shrink your Database and Log files, which you can try performing to reduce the overall size of your database. 


Try shrinking your database, and then log back into Passwordstate again, this will attempt to upgrade the database one more time. 


If none of this helps, please contact Click Studios Support to assist.




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