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Hide Password Template not working correctly


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Hey Guys,


Please bear in mind this mas well be user error. I have imported all of the relevant Password lists into Passwordstate and individually Copied the setting from the Hide Passwords template. The whole point was to prevent non-admin users from viewing the value of the passwords. I have tried "Copy Details & Settings From", "Copy Permissions From" and "Linked Password Lists" for the Hide Passwords template, however none of these actually resulted in non-admin users from being prevented from viewing the actual passwords. Am I missing a step here or have I configured something incorrectly maybe? As i understand it, the default list shows the password as ****** but can be revealed by anyone whereas the purpose of the Hide Password Template is to prevent non-admin users from being able to view the password at all?


Thanks In Advance for you assistance on this matter

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Hi Tryone,


Can you check if the setting 'Hide Passwords from users with the following permissions' is enabled for your Templates and Password Lists, and that you have checked each of the 3 permission options for this setting.



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9 hours ago, support said:

Hi Tryone,


Can you check if the setting 'Hide Passwords from users with the following permissions' is enabled for your Templates and Password Lists, and that you have checked each of the 3 permission options for this setting.



Click Studios

Hey Team,


I have found the setting, however now when I enable it, users with view permissions are unable to copy the obscured password. Is there another setting i have missed somewhere?


Kind Regards


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Hi Tyrone,

In your original request you said "The whole point was to prevent non-admin users from viewing the value of the passwords". This feature is giving you this, but it also prevents copying the password to the clipboard, as the user can then view the password i.e. paste it into Notepad.

I hope this clarifies.


Click Studios

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