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Kick all the active users


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recently we had to update the Passwordstate. We faced an issue with the active users. In order to update Passwordstate there should be no active users logged in. I couldn't find any option or setting where it could kick the users out. I know there is some workaround like killing all the connections from the server perspective, but it's too much of a hastle. 

So, if this is something that I have missed or this could be considered as a feature request?

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In ASP.NET, sessions on IIS are independent of each other, and one session doesn't know another one exists - so it's not really easy to kick all users off.


We've been considering another method for this, which could be to write a value to the database, and then ever user sessions checks this value once a minute to see if they will be logged off. This will cause a little more traffic to the web and database server, but it's the only method we've thought of so far for achieving this.


We'll need to look at implementing something like this in a future release.



Click Studios

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Wouldn't it be possible to do it only programmatically? Introduce some global class which upon user's upcoming requests runs the logoff script.  There is a drawback, because the user might just be sitting on the site and doing nothing. Although, usually if you are on the website you probably do some activity etc. so with a new request coming from the user, perhaps it's possible to trigger an logoff script which logs user off and doesn't allow him to connect back for certain time amount (specified by admins)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Null_Spirit,


Just letting you know in the next release, due next week, we have now added a Maintenance Mode feature. Maintenance Mode is only available to Security Administrators, and the basically functionality is:

  • Enable Maintenance Mode
  • Specify the amount of time users have to log off of Passwordstate before they are automatically logged out
  • Monitor the user sessions to see who drops off (logged out)
  • Who ever enable Maintenance Mode is the only person who can log into Passwordstate - except or Emergency Access Account
  • After an upgrade is complete, Maintenance Mode is disabled
  • Or you can disable Maintenance Mode on the main Administration screen


Click Studios

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