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Active Directory Password Reset Example with a Dependency


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On a Windows server or desktop OS, it is possible to configure a Service, IIS Application Pool, Scheduled Task or COM+ Component to have its "Identity" run as an Active Directory Account.  We call these Dependencies in Passwordstate.  This post shows how to configure a Password Record to manage this dependency.


Step 1: Ensure you have prerequisites set up for your web server and hosts, as per this forum post (Once off process)

Step 2:  Ensure you configure a password record as per this Form Post.  This should contain the Active Directory account you intend to set up on your dependency

Step 3: Add a dependency to your Password Record.  


Screen 1: Adding a dependency can be achieved from two places - Either from the Actions Menu or click the Dependencies link in the Password Grid:



Screen 2: Click the Link to Password Reset Script button



Screen 3: Select the options as appropriate:

  1. The correct Password Reset Script that should match your dependency type
  2. Enter the name of the dependency as it is shown on the remote host - ie the display name of the service on my server is called Passwordstate Service
  3. The dependency type
  4. Search for and assign the correct Host that the dependency is configured on




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