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F5 Big-IP Password Reset Example


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Step 1: Ensure you have prerequisites set up for your web server and hosts, as per this forum post (Once off process)

Step 2: Add new Password Record configured as follows:


Screen 1: Ensure you configure the below 5 options correctly and enter in the username and password for the account.  If you configure an Expiry Date it will automatically change the password when that date is reached.



Screen 2: 

  • Choose the correct reset script for your F5 Big-IP host.  The reset script you choose is dependant on the access type your Privilege Account, and more information about this can be found under Help -> Passwordstate User Manual -> KB Articles -> Password Resets -> Password Reset Scripts and Requirements
  • Ensure you choose you Privileged Account that has permissions on your BIG-IP host
  • Confirm the Password Reset Schedule is enabled if you want the password to automatically change when the Expiry Date occurs



Screen 3: Confirm the Validate Password for F5 Big-IP Account validation script is selected






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