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Moving passwordstate to new web server


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We are planning to move the password state to the new server. Few queries as below-


1) Can we clone the existing server, add the new name, move the database server and point to the new server, add new hostname to authorized web servers ? Will this work? and if so, what all changes we need to do after cloning to new server ?

2) I have gone through the following link which you guys shared, but in this after a fresh installation when this section appears 'Configuring Passwordstate for First Time Use' what else we need to do after this ? Changing the web.config will work ? where to mention the existing database ?



Note : We have recently upgraded to the build 7854.


Can you please please help me out here ?




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Hi Gagan,

Before making any changes, add the new Host Name as an authorised web server on the screen Administration -> Authorised Web Servers.

And then it really doesn't matter how you perform the move, but you do need to ensure you copy across the web.config file - it seems you have missed that step in the document you linked to above.


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