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PasswordState Firefox plugin causes iDRAC login page not to render

Guest Greg Smid

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Guest Greg Smid

Here's a fascinating new issue - when the PasswordState plugin for Firefox is enabled, the login form for my Dell iDRAC/CMC pages doesn't load properly. Not sure of the exact versions when it started... I was initially just chalking it up to Firefox weirdness and didn't look into it. Recently I started disabling/enabling plugins one at a time for testing, and discovered it was the PasswordState plugin causing this.


Firefox: 56.0.2 (64-bit)

PasswordState: 8.1 (build 8114)

Plugin version: not sure how to find out


I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling the plugin, no change. This definitely used to work in Firefox, say, a month or so ago. And it still renders fine in Chrome with the PS plugin enabled (although PS is unable to fill the form).



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Hi Greg,


Thanks for reporting this and unfortunately we can confirm we see the same thing, although we are using an older iDrac login page that you are. Firefox recently have forced all developers to re-write their extensions to be compatible with new standards from them, and it looks like our new code is not compatible with this site.  We'll have to take a look at this when we can, and we'll report back here with our findings.  Hopefully it is an easy fix but it will require a new submission to the Firefox store.  Luckily we were just about to do one so hopefully, we can fix this at the same time.


Thanks again,



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Hi Greg,


I think if you go to the drop down menu of your user name in our Forums and select Account Settings, you should see notification Settings on the right hand side.  Under here you should be able to choose a couple of "Automatically Follow" options which should do the trick:)


Hope this helps!


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